Library Card Application

Apply For a Library Card

Card Information

application form

Preferred Contact Method

Would you like to receive library news and updates?

Would you like to link this account to other cardholders? (This allows a librarian to check out hold requests for another household member without their library card present.) If yes, please enter full name of up to three (3) household members.

Your Library Responsibilities: I hereby apply for the right of borrowing privileges at libraries within the MORE library consortium. I agree to comply with library rules and regulations, to pay all fines, to make good any damage to books or materials incurred by me, and to give immediate notice of any change of residence. In the event my library card is lost or stolen, I understand that I am responsible for charges on my account until the date the library is notified of its loss or theft.

Parent / Guardian: If signing a library card application for a juvenile, I accept responsibility for fines and charges on that child's card and acknowledge that it is my responsibility, not the library's, to monitor and approve my child's choice of library materials and/or other information resources. I understand that I can request library records for my custodial child/ward under the age of 16 (WI statute 43.30).

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